A Mganga is a person in the African Tradition Setting who has a very deep understanding of the African Culture. This person can be male or female and can posses some extraordinary powers to provide insights and interpretations of events in the past and in the future to his community. Although due to westernization there has been a growing lackluster by the African community to embrace Wagangas full Majority of the African population is still deep-rooted in their traditions even though their commitment might not the same as the one shown before by their ancestors it is still there.
Mganga is one of the most misunderstood words in the modern day African setting because most people think it is the same as a “Witch” or in Swahili Mchawi, These words are the opposite of each other a mganga uses their powers and wisdom to help people in their community while a “Witch” or a Mchawi uses their powers for nefarious reasons.
So with this in mind you now understand why its important that Waganga exist and why their role in the African society is still understated although they play a major role in helping the spiritual growth of their community.
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